Monday 24 September 2018

Top 3 Books By Erma Bombeck: The Queen Of Humor

Erma Bombeck was an American writer specializing in good old humor. She was very popular from the 1960’s all the way until the 1990’s, spreading laughs with her hilarious books about suburban home life. Here are the top 3 books that have made people roll on the floor laughing:

1. The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank

This hilarious classic exposes the truth about living in the suburbs. A city family decides to pack up and move to suburbia for an easier life. Little did they know, life there would be more interesting than they thought. This is one of Bombeck’s most popular books, mixing wisecracking remarks, sarcasm, and expression slight concerns about suburban people. This is definitely a must-read for some old jokes that are just as funny today.

2. If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing In the Pits?

This is another one of Erma Bombeck’s classic bestsellers. In this book, she writes of amusing anecdotes and thought-provoking stories about everyday life with a husband and kids. Motherhood is seen in a different, more hilarious light, and makes us all realize that we need a sense of humor to go on. Of course, times have changed since the book was written, but her humor is just as funny!

3. At Wit’s End

This book, like many of her other ones, takes you on a journey to how life was in the suburbs as a mother and wife in the 1950’s. Being her first book, this story of a mother at her wit’s end will make you laugh until your sides hurt. With the many last minute requests from her kids expecting her to do everything from making a costume for the school play the next day, to making cupcakes and their lunches, the struggles still apply in today’s world.

Erma Bombeck will always be remembered as the one who shed a comical light on motherhood. She reminds us that we all need a little humor in our lives to get through our day! All of her novels are worth reading, but an honorable mention is Just Wait Till You Have Children of Your Own!. It’s about a mother who remembers her mother’s own words, “Just wait till you have children of your own!” and applies it to her own hectic family life. Find this and many more entertaining books on our online library,

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